Selection of Works
Over our history we have completed a large amount of specialist work that we are very proud of. It may not be flashy or at some points even noticable but none the less essential to keeping our historical buildings standing
St Bernards Convent, Slough
The grand portico of this impressive Victorian building had slowly become weathered to the point where large chunks were falling off. Our team in partnership with the school and structural enginners devised a way of securing what was left of the original fabric and the new stone that was installed

The Birdcage, Thame
The Building that now resides The Birdcage Pub has a long history. It is thought to be the first permanent structure in the town and was used to house french prisoners of war during the napoleonic war. It is also home to a fequently sighted ghost. Working with Oxford university and Historic England we first supported the roof with a tempoary internal frame and then took off the modern cement based render which exposed the original oak frame which was sketched in detail by archeologists at Oxford and then portions of the oak along with samples of the original lime render and the lathes that survived were taken away to be dated and analysed for composition. We then rebuilt the two gables using reclaimed oak with the traditional mortice and tenon and pegs all without a single nail or screw. and then filling between the frame with oak lathes and lime render and finally lime washing.

Goring Heath Alms Houses & Allnut House
Over the years we have had the pleasure of helping maintain these essential buildings. The original courtyard building built around a central chapel was constructed in 1724. We have reroofed the every part of this using modern breathable felt and reclaimed tiles that were originally made just across the river in Tilehurst (hence its name) whilst working on the roof we employed the services of a licenced ''Batman'' who was at hand to handle the endangered bats that had taken residence. So as to not deprive the bats of there home we installed special bat holes that are a shelter for the bats to roost without giving them access to the whole roof space.
We have also redecorated the external of the whole site and the internal of the chapel and re-roofed the school (built in 1880) and are currently working on Alnutt House once the grand residence of the original benefactor.

The Folly, Sonning Common
This is a bit of a special project as its been going on for about 15 years. and we are our own clients as its on our own land.. This tree house is built into four living trees and has used reclaimed materials, off cuts and raw wood from the surrounding land as well as some bespoke double glazed window units made by our friends at abbey windows as an example of what they can do. Although not finished yet the folly will have oak floors throughout, heating by a simple wood burning stove and even though we havnt worked it out yet will have hot and cold running water to a kitchen and upstairs bathroom. It is as it stands completely weather proof as the abbuttments from the tree has now grown into the frame sealing the roof.

Oxfordshire Farmhouse phase 1
The first phase of this project is the exterior. The roof was not in to bad a condition so we gave it a general overhaul, cleaning off the moss, re-bedding the loose ridge tiles and replacing any broken tiles that existed. we also raked out and repointed the entire house. we gave the clients around 15 different colours of the lime pointing mortar using sands of all different styles from all different quarries. whilst doing this we opened up several bricked up windows. for one window we used several different skills from making a new woodern window frame to cutting and installing the stone cill and using hand blown glass which has the slight imperfections for this grade II * listed home
We are now working on phase 2

Magoo's , Henley on Thames
Magoo's is a modern bar in the centre of Henley, The building is grade II listed was once a rope makers and dates to the 16th century. We knocked down the modern extensions and out buildings to the rear of the building and created a large vaulted ceiling addition, restoring the long brick and flint wall which is now a feature inside with customer toilets and a professional kitchen. We sympathetically kept the character the same as the original building and paying homage to its light industrial past and making a venue for a great night out